Monday, January 23, 2017

Dear daughter-

Dear daughter,

As you know, I was enslaved before I had you. And I know that this world tries to keep us down, but back then they tried to make it so we had absolutely no choices. The master would do things that... I'll move on, I don't want to talk about it. I had to learn to survive. We all did, and besides each other, we had nothing. But we didn't even always have each other. You need to learn to survive to. The way I treat you is what is best for you. In this world, they won't give you shit. You have to watch your back, because when they come for you, you gotta be ready. I don't want you to be as angry as me. They don't care about us, they killed my sister. She was the only one I had. I do not want a life like mine for you. But I can't imagine it any different. Not after what I have seen, heard.
I don't  want to whup you but thats how they taught me. I gained resilience because I had to survive through whippings. I had no other choice. If I don't teach you the same lessons, will you not be strong? Now I have a family, and I'm not gonna lose it. Not because youre sad or you can't take the shit white people do. I survived it all to have you. And if we are not ready for their attacks, it will be harder to survive them. I love you, and I want you to know that the way I treat you is from the way I've been showed how to live. It might not be right, but I'm here, and thats saying something.


Inspired by soul murder

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