Dear Mama and Papa,
You two embody such bravery, spirit, and tenacity to defy the very system of hatred and slavery that constitutes American culture. Each day we live in your household, we realize the honor it is the descend from such great examples. All that we are and all that we will ever be is attributed to your valor.
When we read of the evils of American slavery in school, we can't help but feel utter remorse at the lives you two were forced to live. Instability, separation from families, the loss of virtue through rape, and the feeling that a man could never lay claim to his body and soul are things that we can never imagine from the comfort of our British citizenship. What a privilege it is to know, live, and breathe freedom, a privilege that we will never take for granted.
It is our prayer that our privilege of liberty never corrupts the memories of our ancestors who have fought the evils of oppression and slavery to ensure the life of our family tree. Furthermore, we hope to never forget the sacrifice of you, mama, a fair-skinned woman who had to sacrifice her femininity and sink to a nearly-degrading level in order to imitate those who oppressed and raped your family for generations. And you, papa, a man of humility who wasn't afraid to trust his wife and allow her to lead the way to freedom.
As we enjoy a life of freedom, we vow to never become silent and complacent concerning the evils of slavery. We will aid every fugitive, just like those who aided you. We will teach, love, house, clothe, and feed any and every lost soul as they work to break the mental and physical shackles of slavery.
God bless the fire in your soul that has set ablaze a new path for our family and the generations to come.
With honor and love,
Your Sons
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